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Windsor Academy Trust Animation Project 

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The Terrible Tale of Little Red Riding Hood

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Book Clubs in Schools Project



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The Future 

The above films are an extract from a collection of short films produced by secondary aged children as a 

What We Do at Knots Arts

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A film made by young people who attend Saturday youth club in Mortlake run by Knots Arts. The group worked with us  to create wire armatures and  plasticine alter egos, before using them to show the things they love to do at Knots Art each week.

Do What You Dream in Space

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In 2019 We worked on a 6 month Project with Arts Connect and 6 Primary schools around the West Midlands to deliver an animation project as part of their Arts Ambassador programme. Each primary school worked with Sophie to produce 2 short animated film which were screen at a special celebration event at the Empire cinema in Rubery.  

Mental Health Myths

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In 2018 we worked with young people in years 7-11 from The Marsh Academy to produce Mental Health Myths, a short animation exploring myths surrounding mental health as Part of Into Film's Moving Minds project. Into Film launched 'Moving Minds' a response  to the growing number of young people experiencing mental health challenges. The project explored and promoted mental wellbeing through filmmaking and gave 200 young people aged 11-19 the chance to work with professional filmmakers to devise and create their own short film on an aspect of wellbeing they thought was significant.

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